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Innobay Hungary Ltd.

Innobay Hungary Ltd. is an Independent Knowledge Centre  on the field of Technologies and Innovations. 

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Materials and Energy

Innobay Hungary Ltd. was established in 2011, serving companies and governmental organizations on the field of innovation, business and ecosystem development. The background of the company is based on the discipline of physics and engineering, led by Dr. Norbert Babcsán. Our expertise covers the field of materials and energy supplemented with the living systems and processes.

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Consultation – on technologies, innovations and ecosystems. Providing creative technical and organizational solutions from existing state of the art puzzles.

Value Added Analysis of an existing material and energy production technologies of a company.

Innovation Projects Evaluation and Validation based on IP and complex technological (TRL1-TRL9), customer (CRL1-CRL9) and investment (IRL1-IRL9) readiness level scales for investors.

Technology Development of existing technologies for increased efficiency, sustainability and quality.

Intellectual Property Factory & Innovation Shop – create new IP (patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrights).

Innovation Ecosystem Development – analysing and connecting the innovation actors of the society:  individuals,  organisations, market players and investors.

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Participation in the development of space furnace to NASA, innovation management of generic nanomedical drug development for Gedeon Richter pharmaceutical company (TRL5-TRL7), innovation and innovation management of aluminium foam production technology (TRL1-TRL9), technology transfer of L-malic acid technology, market survey of future ultralight car materials, feasibility study of herbal plants for functional foods, conceptional design of high throughput tire CT scanner, feasibility study of foam assisted oil recovery technology.

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„I'm most impressed with the progress you have made both in quality control and in the economics - metal foams are now affordable.”

Michael F. Ashby


Innobay Hungary Ltd.
Trencséni utca 24.
3519 Miskolc, Hungary


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